Restricted and Prohibited Goods
Restricted and Prohibited Goods are goods that cannot be shipped in under any circumstances. There are restricted items that can ship but with limited liability. Below are not exhaustive list but it shows the common prohibited and restricted goods. We reserve the right to suspend your account and reject, return to sender or dispose prohibited goods without prior notice. Please note: we check packages arriving at our Warehouse.
We can only forward parcels, not letters. You are not allowed to use our address for application of any kind of services, use it for financial and official related matters.
Prohibited Goods
The items listed below cannot be sent to any countries and the list is not exhaustive. Please check with your local import law for further details as to what the restrictions and prohibited items are. It is your responsibility to ensure that the items can be shipped to your country
The following cannot be sent to any countries
- Animals, Animal Products, Animal Skins, Animal Fur, Animal Parts, Live Animals
- Alcoholic beverages and related products
- Batteries – loose batteries i.e. laptop batteries, power bank
- Beauty & Cosmetic Product
- Body Parts
- Bullion
- Cash & Travellers Cheques
- Clinical and medical waste
- Biological samples (including but not limited to bodily fluids and tissue samples)
- Complete original and imitation firearms and firearm parts, (includes rifle butts, trigger mechanisms, screws / bolts etc which are manufactured for the sole purpose of creating a functional firearm), ammunition, explosives
- Counterfeit currency, bank notes and postage stamps
- Counterfeit goods
- Credit, Debit, Bank Cards
- Drugs – including all over-the-counter, prescription or non-prescription and legal drugs as well as illegal drugs / narcotics
- Environmental Waste
- Explosives and ammunition
- Fireworks
- Flammable liquids or spray – lighters / Perfume / Aftershave / Nail Varnish / Nail Varnish Remover / Adhesives / Paint
- Goods, the carriage of which is prohibited by law in the country of origin, transit or destination
- Human Remain & Ashes
- Illegal goods (these are goods which are considered illegal in the origin, the transit points and/or the destination countries and would include but not be limited to pirated goods, counterfeit goods and narcotics)
- Indecent, obscene or offensive material
- Infectious Substances
- Legal or illegal highs
- Lithium Batteries
- Living creatures
- Living plants or organisms
- Lottery tickets
- Medicines not approved for sale in the origin or destination countries
- Mobile phone SIM card
- Official documents (e.g. Passport, Driving license, Certificate of Incorporation, etc.) including both genuine and fake documents
- Oxidising substances and organic peroxide
- Pathogens
- Perishable food including frozen food
- Pesticides
- Poisonous (toxic) and infectious substances
- Poisons
- Pornography
- Foods that are restricted for import into the destination country
- Precious metals and stones
- Radioactive materials
- Real or imitation firearms, parts thereof
- Sharp Instruments
- Tobacco and nicotine related products including e-cigarettes
- UN2814 or UN2900
- Unidentified substances or items that in our opinion could be any of the other items on this list
If Prohibited Goods are sent to us, we will deal with them as we see fit which may include disposal (and will charge you for any costs and expenses we incur); and you will indemnify us and keep us and our employees, sub-contractors and agents indemnified against any and all resulting losses, damage and/or injuries.
There are country specific legislations, which prohibits to send certain Goods. Please refer to this link for the complete Restricted and Prohibited Goods
Prohibitions and Customs Matters
Country specific list of prohibited and restricted articles Country Code
Restricted Goods may be shipped in certain circumstances with limited liability. The following items are restricted goods and have limited Standard and Extended Shipping Insurance liability cover. If it is not covered, you are shipping entirely at your own risk, understanding that there is no compensation for loss, damage or non-delivery.